¿Por qué elegir AURORA?
Servicios expertos, honestos y a precios razonables. Somos una empresa familiar que se centra principalmente en los despachos de aduana y asuntos relacionados con las aduanas. Tenemos una licencia nacional con CBP y podemos autorizar todos los modos de transporte en cada puerto de entrada.
John Hensley
Mr. Hensley has an extensive background in government, law enforcement,
seaport/airport security and trade issues. He has over 30 years of federal/state law
enforcement and regulatory experience, including numerous positions within the U.S.
Customs Service with a focus on international trade, commerce regulation and
He has served overseas as an Attaché, Special Agent in Charge in Los Angeles and
Dallas, Assistant Regional Commissioner for the Western U.S and Assistant
Commissioner in Washington, D.C. While the Assistant Commissioner for enforcement
and operations in U.S. Customs he was responsible for all personnel, policies, operations
and budget in the agencies’ worldwide organization. Following his government service,
Mr. Hensley joined SAIC, a Fortune 500 company as a Corporate Vice President for
Homeland Security. In that role, Mr. Hensley designed the major processes and
procedures related to all phases of the company’s HS business.
Mr. Hensley was also the primary contact for the Strategic Operations Group and the
Secure Transportation/Technology Business Unit within SAIC for DHS, TSA, ICE, and
CBP focusing on 100% inspection of cargo and related systems. In that role Mr. Hensley
established an expertise in both radiation detection and non-intrusive inspection
technology/methodology. Mr. Hensley was also the lead with the World Customs Org
and 125 member customs Services. He has also taken the lead in The DHS/DOE Secure
Freight Initiative Program, interacting with DHS, DOE and the Congress. In 2006, he
was highly involved in working with members of Congress to get the Safe Ports Act
enacted into law, followed in 2007 by working with Congress to get approval of the
100% inspection of air and sea cargo provision of HR-1 also signed into law.
Mr. Hensley previously directed SAIC's national maritime and airport strategy at the
Corporate level where he also focused on Op Safe Commerce, the Container Security
Initiative and MTSA/ISPS. He also took the lead on security projects and risk/threat
assessments for the Ports of LA, LB, Houston and LAX among others. He was also a key
part of the Secure Freight Initiative (SFI) and the Container Security Initiative (CSI/ICIS)
tests in Hong Kong, the EU and Central America. He has additionally been a key member
of the corporation's work on the international supply chain.
In 2011, Mr. Hensley took the position of Senior Advisor to the CEO of AeroMexico
Airlines for Security and Compliance. AeroMexico is the official flag carrier for Mexico
and flies to over 160 destinations worldwide. In that role he has led the airline risk/threat
assessments at major airports serviced by AeroMexico and conducted sensitive security
investigations related to the companies’ operations. Mr. Hensley has led major changes in
the airline’s compliance and security policies and also is the lead person in dealing with
all regulatory and law enforcement agencies in those countries where AeroMexico flies.
Mr. Hensley also advises other corporate clients regarding corporate compliance and
Customs requirements and procedures in his role as a managing partner in Aurora
Customs Brokerage, LLC.